Shoppers Video Repair & Exchange Center
Our repair center can help shoppers get back on the road quickly as we understand the need to get your shops completed on-time.
We work with the shopper and try to diagnose the problem prior to sending it to us to save you any diagnostic fee.
And we have come up with various options to solve your problems.
CAMERA REPAIRS - Audio/Video Cuts In and Out or No Audio/Video
The #1 repair issue and can be repaired as the problem is usually a short within the wire that runs between the camera and the pin connector.
CAMERA REPAIRS - Foggy/Hazy Video
This repair can be done easily by the shopper by purchasing the Replacement Lens and just removing the old lens and turning back on the new one.
Don't let anyone try to tell you otherwise but the truth is that DVR repairs are a 50/50 shot to fix.
We try to diagnose issues over the phone and give you an honest answer if it is repairable.
1. Send It To Us - Send your camera in for repair to us and the repair time varies but it is usually 5-10 days
from arrival at our repair center. Our repairs come with a 90-day Workmanship Warranty.
2. Loaner Program - If you are in urgent need of a camera, you can rent one of our refurbished cameras for $10
until your camera is repaired. A deposit of $80 is required.
3. Exchange Program - If your camera is repairable then you can choose to exchange your camera for one of our
refurbished cameras for $80. Our cameras come with a 90-day Workmanship Warranty.